A Dustland Fairytale

Once upon a time...

...there was a beautiful princess named Amanda. She loved pretty dresses and sunglasses and ponies and punk rock. But she had a secret. Every night when the sun set, Amanda turned into a toothy and terrifying AMANDASAURUS REX! Miss Rex's blog is much more interesting and frequently updated than this one, so I advise you to proceed there... IF YOU DARE.

We are heffalumps!

Some days I just lie on my bed and laugh and wonder what the hell is wrong with me. Today is one of those days. I feel like I've been awake since... oh, wait, I HAVE been awake since 7:30. That explains it. I got up early to take my car to Firestone to see if they could figure out why it starts screaming and flashing lights at me every time I drive it. Jen was kind enough to come along and drive me back, though of course, not without a pit stop at good ol' sketchball, greasy-walled Denny's for breakfast. Well, in the end it turned out that Firestone wasn't sure what was going on with my car, so they made up some bull and sent us to Mobil, where the mechanic proceeded to make fun of the Firestone guys for screwing around and completely misdiagnosing the problem. Long story short.... I'm just hoping I'll have a Derry to drive home tomorrow night.

I procrastinated a lot today, but since I was awake for so long, I still somehow got a lot done. I finished the promo poster I promised to make for the environmental club's symposium event, and I must say I am very pleased with it. It's really colorful, thus, eye-catching; and when you're trying to attract kids to symposium events, you need to be eye-catching.

You know you totally want to go to that event now. ^_~

I also revised my Fair Trade PSA script and made up a storyboard for that, which was time-consuming and, frankly, not as helpful as it's cracked up to be, as I can already see the shots in my head when I write up the script. Well, I guess it was a learning experience. I learned that next time I'll just do the production plan.

I'm off to the Prancing Pony now to see whether Evan remembered writers' group tonight. I've got a chapter I've been dying to post, but not before screening it. So y'all better hope he's there.

edit: He wasn't there. I know, I know. Break out the Kleenex.

Quote of the night:
Me: Paul, I want a fucking dragon.
Paul: Yes, dear.


Mr. Paul said...

This could be your other poster?


Brijenieve said...

i like the poster!

saraphimiscool said...

your quote of the night makes me giggle. mostly because i know it's 100% true...you really do effing want a dragon. C:

i love you. have a blessed Easter

saraphimiscool said...

i just remembered the TAI song that encouraged me (yes, ENCOURAGED me) yesterday--

"hold your head high heavy heart
so take a chance and make it big
'cause it's the last you'll ever get..."

yeah, def NOT black mamba. C:

saraphimiscool said...

that Brijenieve person reminds me of Strong Bad's Brienrietta...every time.

Megan said...

I shall steal your dragon...