A Dustland Fairytale

Once upon a time...

...there was a beautiful princess named Amanda. She loved pretty dresses and sunglasses and ponies and punk rock. But she had a secret. Every night when the sun set, Amanda turned into a toothy and terrifying AMANDASAURUS REX! Miss Rex's blog is much more interesting and frequently updated than this one, so I advise you to proceed there... IF YOU DARE.

Hello Operator, please connect me to the human race

Ugh. One of those days when I feel like I'm driving everyone else nuts, and consequently they start to drive me nuts, and then I start to drive myself nuts and when that happens I don't even want to be around myself anymore. The first two problems can be remedied pretty easily by a change of locale. The third one not so much. I'm brutally tired but I couldn't seem to fall asleep when I lay down for a nap. So now here I am killing time ranting about how much the world hates me and vice versa.

All right. Time for a change of locale/company again. Rawrrrrr


saraphimiscool said...

i'm sorry for your frustration. hopefully your final change of locale/company helped.

i was glad to see you again. i love your face. it's one of my favorite faces in the world. ^_^

Mr. Paul said...

I don't hate you <3

Rhianna Joy said...

Ranting is medicine for the soul, but I feel the same way as you do with people. Well people who I used to keep company with.

jenniferin said...

I agree with Paul, I don't hate you either...quite the opposite actually:)

Organic Meatbag said...

I know when I start to drive myself crazy, I fill my pants with scrambled eggs...calms me right down!