A Dustland Fairytale

Once upon a time...

...there was a beautiful princess named Amanda. She loved pretty dresses and sunglasses and ponies and punk rock. But she had a secret. Every night when the sun set, Amanda turned into a toothy and terrifying AMANDASAURUS REX! Miss Rex's blog is much more interesting and frequently updated than this one, so I advise you to proceed there... IF YOU DARE.

Episode Two: Leave us one more weekend.

Friday I went to the beach to tan. I've been going to Paul's beach instead of mine because I don't have the proper permit to park at my own town's beach and can't afford one. Also, his has a way better name than the painfully obvious "Sandy" beach. After I'd napped for a while, Trish came to see me and we walked around, noting the obscene number of jellyfish littering the shore and coming up with ridiculous reasons for their presence. Stay tuned for an explanatory vignette, which we intend to write at the earliest possible date.

Friday night, Paul and Cara came over to hang out. Gill was supposed to be there but she couldn't come until she got out of work, so we were killing time until she got there. First we made Paul buy us Ingredients for Jell-O shots and other Fourth of July nommies. Then he went upstairs and played Mario Kart 64 while Cara and I made 6 different flavors of Jello with said Ingredients and spooned it all into little cups, which covered two whole shelves of my fridge by the end of the evening. What a painfully stereotypical night, with me and Cara in the kitchen while my boy sat upstairs playing video games.

Then Cara and I decided we wanted to make punch using the rest of our Ingredients, but all we could find was sherbet. We were going to make Gill bring us Sprite and Hawaiian punch until we found out she wasn't coming after all because she got out of work very late and was exhausted and wanted to get enough rest that she could have a good time on the Fourth. None of us could really hold that against her. So I went online and begged Erik to bring us stuff for punch, which was such an amusing conversation that I must share it.

Amandasaurus: get your butt to my house
Amandasaurus: and bring
Amandasaurus: sprite and hawaiian punch
Erik the Burninator: sprite
Erik the Burninator: why
Amandasaurus: for punch
Erik the Burninator: where am i going to get that this late
Amandasaurus: riddle's?
Erik the Burninator: its 11
Amandasaurus: damn
Amandasaurus: you dont have anything in the house?
Erik the Burninator: find some where thats open
Erik the Burninator: i've got a bottle of gray goose
Erik the Burninator: haha
Erik the Burninator: and cough syurp
Erik the Burninator: lets make sizzurp
Amandasaurus: no no no
Amandasaurus: we don't need any more of those things
Amandasaurus: nvm cara says we'll add it
Erik the Burninator: shut up
Erik the Burninator: you dont drink
Amandasaurus: uhhhhh
Amandasaurus: well
Amandasaurus: i wish you were here right now
Erik the Burninator: how old is your mac
Amandasaurus: what? why???
Erik the Burninator: just answer the question
Erik the Burninator: i need to make a decision
Amandasaurus: 2007 i think
Erik the Burninator: is it an intel mac?
Amandasaurus: macbook pro, that's intel right
Erik the Burninator: yes
Erik the Burninator: do you have the discs that go with it?
Amandasaurus: yes
Erik the Burninator: okay
Erik the Burninator: do you know where they are?
Amandasaurus: yeah
Erik the Burninator: good
Erik the Burninator: find some where that's open
Erik the Burninator: and ill come over

Thus, we obtained our Sprite and Hawaiian Punch and made delicious punch, which we enjoyed while watching the Incredibles. Choosing a movie was quite the fiasco; Cara kept telling me she wanted to watch a movie and I kept saying well go pick one out off the shelf. So the third time she asked me I was like "GODDAMMIT CARA, GO LOOK AT THE GODDAMN SHELF AND PICK A GODDAMN MOVIE." Helpful as always, Paul said, "I knew she'd be an angry drunk." BUT I WASN'T DRUNK. Not even a little bit.

Halfway through the movie, everyone got sleepy so we decided to go to bed. Paul was going to leave because he sucks... uh, I mean, had work in the morning... but Cara and Erik refused to move their cars so he was stuck.

In the morning, Erik dove on me and Paul to wake us up and we repeated the stereotypical performance of the night before. Paul dragged his butt out of bed at a glacial pace while I made him French toast, and then he and Erik lolled uselessly at the kitchen table while Cara and I made banana pancakes. Well, Erik was on his PC trying to get it to run my OS (that's why he was asking for my disks the night before), so I guess Paul was the only one acting useless. Wow, I'm really being mean to Paul in this entry. Sorry, Musclecakes.

Soon they both left. After that, Cara and I stuffed our faces, walked around in the sunshine, bought stuff for me to make a pie for the dessert picnic we were supposed to have later with Gill, and baked a pizza for lunch at 11:30, a true testament to how early we'd woken up. Then Cara went home and I had a couple of hours to tidy up for my family, who were coming home late that night. I had an unpleasant surprise when I opened the fridge. The whole thing reeked of Jell-O shots. It was like someone had drained all the coolant and replaced it with Bacardi and artificial fruit flavoring. I scrubbed the little circles from the cups off the shelves, but the smell remained. I left the door open and placed a fan on the shelf to coax out the fumes. When that didn't work, I left an open bowl of tuna in there for about an hour, and it was good as new.

I'll have to owe you the last installment or two tomorrow, because it's almost time to leave for the Reel Big Fish show! HUZZAH!