A Dustland Fairytale

Once upon a time...

...there was a beautiful princess named Amanda. She loved pretty dresses and sunglasses and ponies and punk rock. But she had a secret. Every night when the sun set, Amanda turned into a toothy and terrifying AMANDASAURUS REX! Miss Rex's blog is much more interesting and frequently updated than this one, so I advise you to proceed there... IF YOU DARE.

It's Friday, I'm in love

I hate today. I slept late, got up, ate food, failed at being productive, ate more food, went back to sleep, woke up, ate more food, and now here I am. So I feel lazy, unmotivated, unaccomplished, still tired, fat, and just overall shitty.

On the other hand, yesterday was freaking awesome. Paul got here at four, and it was gorgeous outside, so we went out walking in the woods. He collected some moss for the set he's building and left the bag behind a tree so he wouldn't have to carry it for the rest of our walk. We took a trail I'd never followed before into this part of the woods where I always seem to lose all sense of direction. This is not another psycho walking-to-the-sun story, I just get like a compass needle that's confused by some other magnetic field and doesn't know which way it's pointing. We came out in Hamilton and walked all the way back to Gordon, and by this time we were both starving so we went to Lane. We joined Jen and some others, and then some others joined us (which was really funny, because Paul got up to get seconds, and people kept trying to sit in his seat. I think I had to tell three people they couldn't sit there. I'm just that popular, y'know. XD) Then we went to get Paul's bag of moss and I had to grab some negatives and my favorite headphones from the darkroom, where I left them because I am forgetful like that. But Paul couldn't remember which tree he put the moss behind, and it was pitch black and wet out there. As he was searching for it, he called back to me, "You know, this is how horror movies always start." Great.

Well, a little after that, Gordon Globes started. That's our student film festival. They had searchlights out in front of the chapel and everyone was dressed to the nines. The inside was decorated with shiny stars and colorful lights, and a jazz ensemble was playing while everyone took their seats. A lot of the films were very Gordon-oriented in their subject matter and humor and it was sad because so many of the things that were hilarious to me, like the Fowlers' cat Chester taking over campus and someone having to retake CCC over stealing a likeness of Chester from the new tavern, didn't make sense to Paul because he doesn't go here. The film that won was basically the only entry we saw that wasn't filmed on campus and wasn't specific to a Gordon audience, so there was really no competition. As for funniest entry, I was torn. My friend Kevin's movie was about ways to get decent food on campus, which involved stealing various forms of takeout from professors or hunting animals and freshmen around the property. Another involved a bunch of students with superpowers who had to save gravity from Chester's evil scheme. It was a riot, but I'm worried about how the Fowlers are going to take it seeing how offended they were at someone stealing his picture from the Prancing Pony.

After the show, we joined a horde of Gordonites that invaded the local Uno's, and it was such good times! I haven't gone out hardly at all this semester, nor had I hung out with so many of the people there since before Christmas. It reminded me why I used to love it here and made me want that back. I didn't get to bed until 2. How I miss those good old days (or nights) of staying up for no reason but to be with people I loved doing absolutely nothing. That's where all my memories come from. Next quad I am coming back with a vengeance!!! I was in love with this place once, and I shall be again!

As for now, I'm going to see some friends perform. Not Mae, unfortunately, but it should be good. I don't think I have the energy to go into Boston anyway, it's just sad because I was looking forward to seeing Mae way back in December when I heard about the show. It was going to be my first 18+ show and I was going to ask Jacob if he wanted to collaborate on a film project about synaesthesia. Le sighhhh. Next time.


Valtiel+ said...

Lazy, unmotivated, unaccomplished...sounds like me!

saraphimiscool said...

except that you DID get to go see mae! C: too bad you didn't get to talk to them. i don't think at that point it would have mattered when we got back since it was already ridiculously late.

i love you. we should go gallivanting in the snow today. C: just call me when you get the chance.


saraphimiscool said...

did you see billvy's second to latest post? freaking hilarious. C: