A Dustland Fairytale

Once upon a time...

...there was a beautiful princess named Amanda. She loved pretty dresses and sunglasses and ponies and punk rock. But she had a secret. Every night when the sun set, Amanda turned into a toothy and terrifying AMANDASAURUS REX! Miss Rex's blog is much more interesting and frequently updated than this one, so I advise you to proceed there... IF YOU DARE.


By a show of hands, who knows what Oktoberfest is?

OK, leave your hand up if you said it was a booze-free event.


Well, that's what my college decided it was. I opted to forgive them the misleading title and went with my roommates (including honorary roomie, Joanna) anyway. Hey, they promised me hot apple cider and cider donuts; how could I resist?

But there was no cider there when we arrived. No cider donuts. There was some kind of... bratwurst cooking over a grill and some root beer. Popular indie music and indie pop was blaring and three kids from the improv team were "dancing," otherwise known as flapping their appendages and writhing. You can imagine my ecstasy....

We grabbed some pumpkins from the pumpkin-coloring table; we intended to carve them and light them in our many windows. Then I bumped into my buddy Jarin and we were chatting when all of a sudden The Addict ran up and said to hurry up; the rest of my roomies were on the hay ride.

The tractor was already driving away. I went "okimcomingbyejarin!!" and chased after The Addict, who took a running leap onto the trailer's sideboard. I couldn't decide what to do with my pumpkin. I hated to lose it....

But the tractor was getting away, so I chucked Mr. Pumpkin into the woods and dove for it. The hayriders cheered and made room for us. Highlight of the night!

The ride ended 48 seconds later. How anticlimactic.

I can't help thinking this whole night would've sucked less if they'd just left the event at face value and passed out booze. At least we wouldn't have had to remember how lame it was. =/


Amandasaurus said...

First comment ever on the new Dustland Fairytale?! Methinks yes! Guys, don't use blogskins.com. Just don't do it. Unless you don't want comments, ever.