A Dustland Fairytale

Once upon a time...

...there was a beautiful princess named Amanda. She loved pretty dresses and sunglasses and ponies and punk rock. But she had a secret. Every night when the sun set, Amanda turned into a toothy and terrifying AMANDASAURUS REX! Miss Rex's blog is much more interesting and frequently updated than this one, so I advise you to proceed there... IF YOU DARE.

Cold Turkey

Get this. Some other girl got MORE than 289 spirit points! Which means no Red Sox tickets for me. And I guess I'm also bummed about the title of homecoming queen, which I would've had if I'd gotten the most points. Because I'm not popular enough to ever get voted as such, so really the only way I'd ever get it would be by getting the most spirit points. Blahh. Maybe next year. =/

I figured out why I've been exhausted - and I mean besides getting destroyed at Cobra Starship on Friday, because the level of exhaustion I've felt since then has been more than I've ever felt after ANY show, even the Warped Tour, and that goes ALL DAY. And I moshed a lot more there than I did on Friday. No, the reason I've been tired is NO IRON. Here's why.

Last week, my media writing class watched this awful documentary on animal cruelty and I think I'm going to try and go vegetarian, or else search for a local farm where I can buy meat products, eggs and dairy. I don't really know what to do about the dairy because I need to get protein from somewhere, and most of my favorite foods are dairy; vegetables are total lamesauce without cheese or dressing on them, and I am not drinking soy. But you know what they do to dairy cows? They give them all these hormones to make their udders huge so they'll produce way more milk than any cow naturally would. And they keep them pregnant all the time so they can take the calves and shove them in tiny cages until they're big enough to slaughter for meat.

All the animals - cows, chickens, hens, pigs - are kept in tiny cages without enough room to move forward and backward or side to side. They can't even sit down, or at least the chickens can't. And they abuse them! They just throw chickens around like used rags. They don’t want male chicks because they won't produce eggs, so millions of them are thrown into dumpsters every year and left there to SUFFOCATE. They give chickens so many hormones that their breasts get too heavy for them to stand, and their legs break. They drag protesting cows to the slaughterhouse BY THEIR EARS!

How can anyone eat something knowing that's what had to be done to put it on their plate??? Even if it tastes flipping amazing! So I'm quitting meat-eating, cold turkey. Does anybody know a local farm where I can buy stuff? I know the grocery store carries cage-free eggs; I checked yesterday. And I'm going to take this one step at a time and not worry about the dairy just yet. But meat. Does anybody know a local farm where I can buy meat? And does anybody want to teach me how to cook it?? XD

edit: for the record, I AM taking vitamins with 100% dv of iron in them. =)


saraphimiscool said...

you should probably consider iron/protein supplements for the time being. i can understand your not wanting to eat meat, but you don't want to sacrifice your health for it. mostly just be smart about it.

Brijenieve said...

I don't know about farms and such, but I do know that there are meats and dairy things that are "Free range" which means the animals are on a happy animal farm instead of being caged. Certain brands are also committed to animal rights and only do their meat and dairy through ethical methods. You can probably find out which brands those are (I think Purdue might be one?) with a little research, and then get their stuff either at a regular grocery store or at a whole foods type place - there's one in Beverly, but I can't think of what it's called. Refusing to support unethical animal treatment by stopping your cashflow to those companies is a great step; redirecting your cash to companies who seek to promote animal health is even better. Good luck! =)

sheepherder02 said...

here's a thought - buy organic. Organic farms ship their food to many grocery stores and don't practice those kinds of crazy growth hormones. I understand your feeling about the chicken thing - that's why I eat the ones I name when I'm home. Which isn't as awful as it sounds...

collieflower417 said...

Wow! Congratulations on deciding to go vegetarian. Have you told Emma yet? She'll be super excited. As vegetarian as I have been I've been meating socially...last night I ate shabu shabu (stuff boiled in hot water). I had a lot of beef, and I tried lamb for the first time. I'm not proud, but if I had chosen not to eat any animals last night all I would have eaten was a lot of boiled parsley and some other leafy vegetable.

Katie said...

I had to skip over the animal cruelty part. I like my meat and if I had read the whole entry, I would probably turn vegetarian like you. Peace.

boredomabound said...

what vitamins do you take that have that much iron? none of mine do and it has been quite a problem for a while now lol

Brijenieve said...

So did you succeed in listening to those songs? What did you think?

saraphimiscool said...

so i think it's funny every time i see this entry that your entry to decide to go vegetarian-ish is entitled "cold turkey." i hope you see the irony. C: