A Dustland Fairytale

Once upon a time...

...there was a beautiful princess named Amanda. She loved pretty dresses and sunglasses and ponies and punk rock. But she had a secret. Every night when the sun set, Amanda turned into a toothy and terrifying AMANDASAURUS REX! Miss Rex's blog is much more interesting and frequently updated than this one, so I advise you to proceed there... IF YOU DARE.

Awww fnck. This was not part of the plan.


They jumped the gun
and lit the furnace in the woods some
eight weeks ago. The wind lifted paper flames
up to the butter-pat moon and it was
beautiful, watching everything die like that.
And there you were, waiting, ensconced
in the willow branches’ orange cave like you knew
someone was coming while the meteors
diffused overhead.

So is this the end of the world, or do we
finally carry on? Hope is an ever-rising
phoenix: and there I was
to witness the Caesarean section
birth of a thing
that was, perhaps, less than ready
to swallow the cold, hard nitrogen
left over when the fire
burnt out. Well, at least the sun is out, but
it’s awful cold for Halloween.



saraphimiscool said...

Don't make Halloween be the first sentence if you don't want people thinking that's what it's about. but i think it adds a funny little twist at the end. Swallowing cold hard nitrogen is strange imagery too. Solid nitrogen has GOT to be cold. C:

I'm not gonna lie, this is a weird one. i don't really know what you're talking about. especially since the second stanza is 3 sentences and you have all sorts of strange metaphors. but i like it. i can tell you put some work in it.

i think it's sad that i'm your first comment and you've had this posted for five days already. i know how it feels though...i like blog comments. not like i blog anymore though. C:

Douglas Bessette said...

I liked it.. a little bit of a sad undertone with a dash of mystery and mayham..:-0