A Dustland Fairytale

Once upon a time...

...there was a beautiful princess named Amanda. She loved pretty dresses and sunglasses and ponies and punk rock. But she had a secret. Every night when the sun set, Amanda turned into a toothy and terrifying AMANDASAURUS REX! Miss Rex's blog is much more interesting and frequently updated than this one, so I advise you to proceed there... IF YOU DARE.


In light of 2009... and because these random surveys that I snag from Reah are so much fun.... some Mandii-related factoids:

I’m a writer. I work best early in the day, away from my bedroom and, more importantly, away from my computer.

I wish I could skateboard, snowboard, or surf. Alas, I do not have the balance for any of these.

I don’t care if it’s thirty degrees out and blizzarding; I want ice cream!

I name most of my material possessions. My guitars are Black Fire (electric), Mabel (acoustic), and Ruby (bass); my car is Derry; my laptop is Jesus; my phone is L. G. Fuad; and I have just decided that my amp is Lt. Surge.

With the exception of sex, I will try almost anything once.

With the exception of cows, I will eat almost anything you could imagine in almost any combination you could imagine. This includes the likes of pepperoni with honey and tuna fish with jelly: staples of a scrumptious La Vida diet. Also M&Ms with chips and salsa if I’m feeling especially nutritious.

I really love the moon the first night after it’s new, when it’s a tiny silver sliver and you can see the dim outline of the rest of it.

I hate mainstream everything, probably more than is justified.

When people in movies have on-screen sex, it makes me really uncomfortable.

I wish I had more time to read.

I still use my Walkman sometimes. *Oldskool!!*

Skullcandy headphones are sexy.

Bassists are sexy.

Your face is sexy… maybe. ^_~

Concerts are probably my favorite thing in the world. I’ll do anything to get to a concert. And I’ve got to be up front. Fighting your way there is half the adventure of going to a show XD

As soon as I can, I’m moving to the west coast. Wish I was rich enough to live on Coronado….


To honor the passing of 2008, I've been reflecting on all the things I've discovered over the year:

Carpe diem.

The older I get, the littler I realize I am.

Lying DOES beat shaving your legs, but it’s not the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off.

Mountain Dew does not glow in the dark.

You are what you become. You become what you are.

Life’s what you make of it, and what you’ll get is what you’ll take from it.

"No words, just emotions" leaves you on the side of the road with a flat and no jack.

Evidence shows that the way to a guy’s heart is not through his stomach. I'll venture a guess that it's a little lower than that.

Sometimes God gives us exactly what we're asking for and it's like.... PWNED.

Tea is actually quite scrumptious. Who knew?

Never underestimate the density of the male species. You will always be proven wrong.

Anyone can believe their eyes. It takes something different to believe your heart.

I would rather be happy than right.

The mystery of "jet-puffed marshmallows" is best left unsolved.

Geese live forever. At any rate I ain't ever seen a dead goose.

If you plant the little green army men high enough, nobody will bother taking them down (atop the clock in Lane... on the windowpanes of the chapel lobby....)

You're never too old to be a scene kid at heart. However, you are probably too old to go to a Cobra show.

Be smart first and nice second or people will take advantage of you.

Long hair and mosh pits don't mix.

If it's pouring rain, don't try to use your phone outside, dumbface. Everybody knows that.

Sledding in a Nor'easter is TOTALLY epic. Driving in one kind of sucks.

If you put your fro yo in those little cups that are supposed to be for ketchup, sometimes the Lane workers won't make you pay for it.

Spooning with boys is not scandalous... but if you give Gill a camera, she can make it look that way.

College and vegetarianism don't mix. If the food is free, you eat it and don't ask questions.

If you feel it, someone else has already written a song about it.

Baking soda is a very effective way to whiten teeth and costs a heck of a lot less than Crest whitening strips or fancy-pants toothpaste.

I cannot cope with a world devoid of love, and I do not wish to cope with a world devoid of God.

No matter how long you stand in the shower, you can't wash regret away. No matter how far you walk, jog or drive, you can't leave your problems behind. And no matter how good the ice cream tastes, all you're going to gain from bingeing out of self-pity is weight.

There are no mistakes, only accidents entwined with fate.


krystinadee said...

"I name most of my material possessions. My guitars are Black Fire (electric), Mabel (acoustic), and Ruby (bass); my car is Derry; my laptop is Jesus; my phone is L. G. Fuad; and I have just decided that my amp is Lt. Surge."

haha XD i try to name my instruments, but by the time the next day comes, i tend to forget due to my lack of memory.

I hate mainstream everything, probably more than is justified.

SAME! haha i'm actaully reading a book called 'stuff white people like' [idk if you're white or not, but i have a feeling you'd be able to relate to this]. it has a sob topic of 'indie music' and it goes like: a white person's ipod is not merely an assemblage of music that they enjoy. it is what defines them as a person. they are always on the lookout for the latest hot band that no one has heard of, so that one day they can hit it just right an be into a band BEFORE it is featured in an apple commercial. to a white person, being a fan of a band before it gets popular is one of the most important things they can do with their life. they can hold it over their friends!

haha XD

jenniferin said...

Your reflections are right on...but i believe you forgot that your ba-freakin-nana bread is the best banana bread ever, and makes a great Christmas gift:)

Also, you have helped teach me that I can be proud of my goofiness, because someone as cool as you is my friend:)

Here's to another awesome year of friendship

Brijenieve said...

Love the reflections.
"Lying DOES beat shaving your legs, but it’s not the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off." was one of my favorites.... such a fun song, haha. Also, standing in the shower and not being able to wash away the regret....... totally true. Sigh.


saraphimiscool said...

"You're never too old to be a scene kid at heart. However, you are probably too old to go to a Cobra show." made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. so true.