Previously on A Dustland Fairytale: The Music. The Road Trip. Now it's time for the MAGIC!
Joanna's friend Steve joined us just in time for Jon Foreman's set.
We booked it out of there as soon as he finished so we could be first in line at the merch table for the Switchfoot signing, which wasn't for at least another hour.
So we were chillin' there, and chillin' there, and finally I got a little bored and took a walk around to photograph all the preposterous Christian products being marketed.
I got back to the Switchfoot table, and Joanna and Steve were still just chillin' there. No one else had showed up for the signing yet. It was a little unnerving.
Then Steve figured out that we were waiting in the wrong spot, so we went out into the hot sun to join the queue already waiting for the signing. Boo.
I wish I had a picture of me with the guys, but cameras weren't allowed. The lyrical genius I've admired for six years, a.k.a. Jon, wasn't even there. I barely had enough time to tell Tim that I think he's one of the greatest bassists mankind has ever seen, not to mention that when you say something in that amount of time it doesn't exactly come across as sincere, but still - 4/5 of the band signed my brand new Switchfoot shirt. Magic!
A little while later I spotted Paul Colman and we went to ask him if he would come play at our school. During his set he'd said just to email him and he would play anywhere. Apparently he does his own booking, which will make getting him here loads easier even if Campus Events Council won't cooperate (which they probs won't since they suck about 94% of the time).
Joanna had gotten a free shirt from a booth that was promoting our school and she tried to give it to Paul so he'd remember us. I think the people who designed the shirt were being facetious, as it features a picture of the crappiest building on our campus, the dining hall, and boasts beneath it, "Home of the Lane Student Center!" But Paul declined on the grounds that he only wears black shirts.
Steve introduced himself and Joanna felt the need to inform Paul that her friend was weird. Paul then gave us a lecture on political correctness and convinced us to call Steve "unique" (at least while Paul was around. I abhor political correctness and continued to call Steve "weird" for the rest of the day.) Anyway, weird or unique, Steve decided his picture with Paul had better live up to his reputation. This was the result. Poor Paul never saw it coming.
Then it was my turn to be in a picture. Paul was upset with me for being too tall, so he made me crouch down a little while he stood on his tip toes. He would've had to be six and a half feet tall to actually look this much taller than me.
But after that he conceded and let me be the tall one.
Thanks for that, Paul.
And that concludes the Magic segment of the Magical Musical Road Trip Extravaganza! But things were not to remain so peachy. Tune in next time to watch a scandal unfold....
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